Grow your own Vegetables
There’s nothing more rewarding than to grow your own fruit and veg in your garden – and such a variety of things to plant!
What will you be harvesting this month in your food garden? The month of May is the beginning of the harvesting months for many things in your food garden. Spring cabbage and cauliflower, carrots, lettuce and spring onions are just some of the vegetables which will be ready to eat this month. Yum!
If you don’t yet have a food garden but would like to have a go at growing your own fruit and vegetables, it’s a good time to sow vegetables such as: lettuce, runner beans and onions from sets.
This will mean that you can grow your very own tasty food, and eat it for tea! Not to mention that the kids will love to have their share in helping to grow new fruit and veg – some of which they might not have seen or tried before. They will be more eager to try their produce once harvested.
If you need any advice then give us a call on 01782 396 168 or e-mail in at, we would love to give you some ideas on what sort of things to plant.
The Blue Iris Landscapes team wish you well for the month of May – enjoy the sunshine! For more gardening tips follow us on Facebook.