
Turf Laying

A lush dark green lawn is always an excellent backdrop for a lovely house

During the summer months, who doesn’t want a lush lawn for the children to play on, or for us adults to relax and soak up the sun on? At Blue Iris Landscapes, we have laid small areas of grass as well as much larger areas of many hundreds of square metres. In general, we use a high-quality amenity turf. However, we can order in alternative turfs with different ratios of bents, fescues and rye to achieve the type of lawn you require.

The Turf Laying Process

We usually carry out turf laying in the following manner, but every site has its’ individual requirements: –

Additional soil is placed evenly around the area. We will then rake and re-rake the soil making sure it is firm and level. Depending on the level of the ground the land may not be entirely flat. Therefore, it may have a slight slope on it.

If necessary we can use the dumpy level or string lines to make sure the levels are correct. After the area has been levelled. We would lay a high-quality amenity turf, the turf would have creeping fescues, rye and fine bents. This is a very popular grass selection as it needs little care, just mowing.

Lawns often take the majority of space in a garden. Therefore, they can create ideal entertaining areas as wells as pathways through to other areas in the garden. A lush green lawn is always an excellent backdrop for a lovely house; colourful borders can make a garden look much larger than it is.

If you would like a beautiful new lawn or advice about your lawn then please feel free to contact us.