Gardening in January

How to Identify Frost Damaged Plants:

When frost damage has occurred it is usually very evident by the leaves either dropping off altogether or instead of pointing upwards they may be horizontal or drooping to the floor. We recommend leaving these leaves on the plants. If you remove them and there is another cold spell, the leaves can’t provide insulation to the main stem of the plant. A Yucca such as Yucca filamentosa should be fully hardy, whereas other varieties are frost tender at 7oC.

Phormium tenax is classed as hardy, although we have seen old established plants knocked right back this winter – something not seen in the past 15 years! If the frost has not got into the main stem or base these plants should come back and you should start to see some signs of life in May.

Frost Damage

We tell our customers to remove the dead unsightly leaves from the plants in early May, depending on the temperature. So let’s hope that it warms up fast, not just for us but for the plants too!

If you have any further questions about frost damage to your plants then please contact us and we will be happy to help.

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