Six Important Seasonal Garden Jobs

Here are a list of our top six seasonal garden hobs to get sorted this year!

  1. Sprout early potatoes by laying them out in a cool, light, frost-free place.
  2. To promote the growth of strong, young flowering stems, Prune roses.
  3. Cut down ornamental grasses and herbaceous perennials that were left for winter stem and seedhead interest.
  4. Introduce bird nesting boxes before nesting gets underway.
  5. Plant roses, shrubs, fruit bushes, raspberry canes, trees, and climbers.
  6. Finalize pruning of apple and pear trees, gooseberries and redcurrants.


Sow onions, early leeks, cabbage, peas and lettuce undercover now. Broad beans can be sown outdoors in light soils in the South, indoors elsewhere.
At the end of the month, sow tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers, chillies in heated propagators or windowsills that catch the sun well.
Place in the ground shallots and garlic.
To warm the soil for early sowing, Cover beds with polythene sheeting.


Prune Buddleja davidii, Leycesteria, hardy fuchsia, Caryopteris and Lavatera along with other summer-flowering shrubs that flower on current year’s growth.
Evergreens that are permanently planted in containers need to be regularly checked and watered as appropriate.
Separate herbaceous perennials such as Astile, Iris and Hemerocallis.


Swiftly eradicate leaves with grey mold on overwintering glasshouse plants.
Shield early growth in herbaceous plants from slug and snail damage.


Mow the lawn on a dry day at a high cutting height.
Prepare the ground for sowing new lawns in March and April.


Dahlia tubers can be started into growth by placing them in compost and keeping above 10 degrees (50F). Prick out seedlings sown last month and make sure they get enough light to prevent them from becoming wan.
If you would like more information on what jobs you need to be doing in February or if you would like our assistance in helping you to do the gardening jobs then please don’t hesitate to contact us on one of the following: 
Freephone: 0800 0937926
Head office: 01782 396168