Protecting Palms
This post will offer some great advice about protecting palms in your garden, for all the british weather conditions we get year in year out. Some of the hardest palms include: jubaea chilensis (coquito palms), Trachycarpus fortunei (chusan palms) however they can still suffer in cold harsh winters. Blue Iris Landscapes recommend that more tender palms such as Butia capitata are best grown in pots. Professional landscapers and gardeners also suggest that palms are planted in sunny areas, sheltered from prevailing winds and avoid possible frost pockets.
Also good drainage is crucial as winter wet can be damaging as cold winds and low temperatures.
Protection Against a Hard Frost
If the palm is of a manageable, reasonable size, gardeners suggest that the top growth is covered with fleece when harsh frosts are forecast. For extra protection, apply dry mulch such as bark chips to the base of the palm to aid the protection of the roots.
Protection Against Wind
Insert stakes around the plant and construct a chicken wire cage packed with straw or bracken and cover with Hessian or fleece.
Protecting Vulnerable Plants
Pack straw or bracken between the leaves and surrounding the stem. This is most important at the growing point at the top of the trunk and then wrap with fleece.
Growing Young Palms in Containers
By growing young palms in containers, they are kept frost-free as they are more prone to winter damage and then wrap in bubble wrap to protect the outdoor container.
Many palms have died off this winter due to the fact that we have had a very hard winter. We hope that some of these tips will help you in the future. If you have any further questions about Palms then please contact us.