Blue Iris Landscapes Most Recommended Alternatives to Hardy Exotics
These are the different plants we recommend instead of using other Hardy Exotic plants.
Large, divided leaves
First of all, we recommend Tender exotics such as Tetrapanax Papyrifer may start looking poor in freezing conditions. Although plants may seem dead, they often re-shoot from below the ground, however if this hasn’t occurred by May or June time, consider replacing it with a hardier alternative such as Fatsia Japonica.
Scented Evergreen
Pittosporum tobira has recently become fairly popular due to its white, sweet scented flowers. However if the harsh winter has taken its toll an alternative is Choisya ternate. Very similar to Pittosporum tobira in appearance and scent, however it can stand firm against the cold and harsh winters.
Hardier Palms
Subtropical plants have become very popular in recent times, therefore encouraging the sell of phoenix canariensis, which is a drought tolerant plant. Unfortunately due to the harsh winter many of these will be lost. Thankfully there is an alternative, simply replace with Chamaeropes humillis.
We hope that you enjoyed this article about exotic plants and we have given you some ideas of what to replace your exotic plants with, yet still keeping your garden looking exotic and interesting. If you would like more information or would like a free quote the please contact us. Alternatively, for more tips and tricks follow us on Facebook.
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