
 Crocuses are usually associated or thought of as a springtime plant however this is not the case as Blue Iris Landscapes suggest that these plants will liven up your garden in the autumn months as well. Adding colour to your garden through the Autumn time is important so as to liven up your garden and Crocuses are just the thing to do it. If you would like more information on Crocus’ and how to grow them, then please contact us.

 A little more about information about Crocuses 


Crocus speciosus
Crocus pulchellus
Crocus sativus
Crocus goulimyi
One of the most widely grown and most recognizable autumn-flowering crocuses. Its tall, goblet-shaped flowers vary in colour from lilac to purple. The flowers are produced in September and October and emerge in advance to the leaves.
This species comes from western Turkey and in cultivation flowers from September to early November. The elusive lilac-blue flowers open into a bowl shape, however, in sunshine the petals spread widely apart.
This is the popular well-known saffron crocus. Identified by its heavily veined lilac-purple tone along with its complementary yellow stamens.
From the rocky hills of mainland Greece. ‘Goulimyi’ has tall, wineglass-shaped flowers. They appear in September and October.
How to grow
How to grow
How to grow
How to grow
They abide in many garden surroundings, from open borders to grass.
It prefers slightly moister ground than other autumn crocuses and if left undisturbed will seed around in ideal gardens.
They necessitate well-drained, gritty compost along with a warm, sheltered, sunny position.
A sunny open site suits best, although a sheltered area is preferred as these long-‘stalked’ flowers are simply
Blown over.
Other selections
Other selections
Other selections
Other selections
‘Albus’ has glistening white blooms. ‘Conqueror’ has large, deep sky blue flowers and ‘Oxonian’ has large dark blue flowers.
Crocus ‘Zephyr’ is a good cultivar and often has extra large flowers which are greyish-blue colour.
Crocus ‘Cartwrighters’ has smaller flowers and the styles are less profound.
‘Mani white’ is equally prolific in cultivation as well as ‘leucanthus’ which has narrow flowers with tones ranging from pale lilac to white.
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