Feed and Weed

Lawn Treatments That Can Really Improve Your Grass


This is the first Feed and Weed treatment recommended out of four treatments. It only costs from £0.20 per square meter, depending on the size of your lawn and is therefore well worth the money.

Feed and Weed

Now the weather is warmer, it is the ideal time to apply a Weed and Feed treatment to the grassed areas of your garden. This involves using a high based nitrogen feed for the grass which helps promote new growth – potassium and phostrogen are also included with some minor elements. By applying this feed now, your lawn will look really good in the coming months.

This type of treatment is even more important if you have broad-leaved weeds in your lawn. The selective herbicide used has hormones in it that make the weeds (e.g. daisies, dandelions, docks, nettles, etc) grow out of themselves. So as the lawn is mowed and the weeds continue to grow exponentially, they use all their strength up and die.

If you would like Blue Iris to come and treat your lawn with Feed and Weed or if you would just like us to take a look at your lawn. We will be happy to take a look and recommend to you what is best for your lawn or garden, please get in touch with us on: –

Free Phone:  0800 0937926

Head Office:  01782 396168

Email: info@blueirislandscapes.co.uk