Sometimes rather than a boundary hedge a more permanent feature is required to define the boundary. Due to this often being the case we can offer a number of styles of fencing. They basically fall into two categories; concrete post and a wooden post.
Both have their advantages and disadvantages, these can include cost and how long they will last. All the fences we construct are fit for purpose and will be an ideal demarcation between you and a neighbour.
This is the standard fencing we construct with concrete posts, concrete kickboards, and feather edge wooden panels. This is an ideal fence as it lasts a long time and when the panels perish new ones can be dropped into place them very quickly.
The fences with wooden posts like the concrete post fences have their posts concreted into the ground by approximately 0.6m to ensure the fence is secure. They don’t have concrete kickboards, therefore, the fence panels are the whole height of the fence. This can make for a more visually pleasing fence.
Our favourite fence aesthetically is constructed on-site, the posts are only visible from one side and this makes it more aesthetically pleasing. The posts are concreted into the ground and then the horizontal slats are screwed into place. To these horizontal supports, the vertical slats are attached, although they can be nailed we screw everything in place to ensure a quality long-lasting finish.