Blue Iris Landscapes Japanese Style Garden


The Great Gardens of Japan has been a major influence in the top trends of 2022. Japanese gardens are adaptable in to any size and can subtly add an oriental twist into your outdoor space. You can create a Japanese style garden by simply adding just a few small features.

Garden Design in Ashbourne

Flowing on from this is the integration of water, whether this be a pond or statement water feature. Japanese gardens are traditionally designed with all of the five senses in mind. Furthermore, as water brings a sense of calmness and reflection, the addition of this element into your garden design, will definitely create the tranquillity you may be seeking.

However, for larger outdoor gardens, there are greater additions you can incorporate into your garden. These could be features such as a walkway or bridge. Which, adds a unique pathway and can effortlessly break up a once simple space. 

In terms of plants, the Bonsai Tree, Ferns, and Moss are great to include portray the Japanese style. There are many different types of bonsai’s that you can integrate into your garden. Therefore, this means you can choose  a style that really suits your personality. To name a few: broom style bonsai, formal upright bonsai, slanting bonsai and many more. Each of these have their own separate little quirks that may interest you.

A final thing that you may like to add to turn your outdoor space into a Japanese style is rocks. Rocks can add an asymmetry design to your garden, which really incorporates the natural landscape feel. Once again, adding to the Japanese style.

Japanese Gardens

Contact Us To Get Started On Your Japanese Gardens

If you are looking to design a beautiful outdoor space with a difference this year, why not reach out to one of our friendly team members for a design meeting. Simply call us on 01782 396168 or enquire at Or, why not keep up to date with our latest news by following our Facebook page.

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