Ways To Integrate Colour Into Your Garden!

An effortless way to make your garden fun is by incorporating colours to add a multidimensional experience to your garden. Carry on reading to find out the ways to integrate colour into your garden…

When planning what flowers and shrubs you wish to plant for this upcoming blooming season, it is the best time to deliberately plant bright colourful flowers to add liveliness to your garden. Adding bold colours such as reds, oranges, and purples can help to add bursts of colour to your outdoor space. Examples of these could be by using plants such as crocosmia, salvia and canna

Ways To Integrate Colour Into Your Garden!

Another way to add colour to your garden is through the garden furniture and accessories in your garden. Adding character to your garden through the colour and tone of the furniture can help make entertaining more fun!

You can also make your garden more unique by taking the standard garden furniture such as a log shed or bird feeder and making it one of a kind by having it in a vibrant tone. This is an amazing way to bring out the tones of the flowers in the garden. Also, it’s a way to set a theme for your garden space. The Oak Pot Company offers a range of colours for their products to fit the colour palette of your garden.

An interesting way to add dimension to your garden through colour includes using garden safe paint. Painting fences or accent walls in your garden adds a distinctive edge to your garden making it more eye-catching. Furthermore, it creates a more modern and brighter environment. It is crucial to use recommended garden safe paint to protect your garden shrubs to ensure the toxins do not ruin any of your plants and to ensure the longevity of the painted space.

Get in touch!

If you are looking for tailored ideas on how you can add more colour to your garden through gardening and landscaping, get in contact with a member of our team to get yourself booked in for a site visit!

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