Japanese Knotweed Vs psyllid Aphalara itadori

Japanese Knotweed Vs psyllid Aphalara itadori   Britain is quite fortunate when it comes to having invasive plants because as a country we have very few. However one in particular called Japanese knotweed (Reynoutria japonica) is one of the worst invasive plants that Britain has to contend with regarding the amount it would cost to eliminate them … Continue reading “Japanese Knotweed Vs psyllid Aphalara itadori”

Chinese Leaves-Reeves Collection

Chinese Leaves-Reeves Collection Blue Iris Landscapes is a garden maintenance company who is keenly interested in knowing the backgrounds of the plants and how to look after them so that as you as the customer can get the best out of your plants. This post discussed the well know Reeves collection and its orgins.  Between … Continue reading “Chinese Leaves-Reeves Collection”


Snow Clearance, Gritting and Salt Services

Do you need Gritting and Snow Clearance? If you are concerned about injuries and business disruption due to the snow, Blue Iris Landscapes can help. We offer low-cost gritting and salting services to car parks, private and commercial premises. A Complete Professional Service We view each client and clearance important, giving the best quality service … Continue reading “Snow Clearance, Gritting and Salt Services”

Feed and Weed

Non-Pesticide Methods for Small Pests

Non-Pesticide Methods for Small Pests As an increasing number of pesticides are being withdrawn, cultural techniques from the past are becoming even more relevant. Hand-picking out large pests such as snails, slugs and lily beetles may be the simplest way to get rid of them. However, for smaller pests such as earwigs, female winter moths, … Continue reading “Non-Pesticide Methods for Small Pests”

Helleborus Plants

Helleborus- RHS Collection as Recommended by Blue Iris Professional Garden Maintenance  Blue Iris Landscapesgives you insight and information into the rhizomatous perennials which are found growing in parts of Europe and Western Asia. Find out more about Helleborus here… Helleborus are found growing in woodland, grassy and rocky sites throughout parts of Europe and Western … Continue reading “Helleborus Plants”

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 Liquidambars Robert Vernon’s Selection of Sweet Gum During the gloomy days of winter, the bonfire shades of sweet gums remain bright beacons in the garden. Liquidambar (sweet gums) are known for their glowing displays of autumn colour and are similar in appearance to an Acer (maple), and can develop into truly spectacular garden trees. Liquidambar … Continue reading “Liquidambars”

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House Plants and Hedge Planting Tips

House Plant Care Low light, large temperature swings and dry air can all make it hard for houseplants over the winter. Many houseplants are often benefited from a rest over winter so when flowering is over and growth slows down. Adjust watering so that the compost is barely moist and withhold fertilizer until the plant … Continue reading “House Plants and Hedge Planting Tips”

Geraniums and Tree Dahlias

Geraniums and Tree Dahlias Looking for advice on Geraniums and Tree Dahlias? Carry on reading to find out more: Geranium Hardy Blues This low maintenance and easy to grow Geranium gives striking displays year after year. Perfect for ground cover, this winter hardy perennial needs little water in summer and will thrive anywhere. The cup-shaped … Continue reading “Geraniums and Tree Dahlias”

Garden Maintenance

Tender Hippeastrum

Tender Hippeastrum Hippeastrum bear impressive flowers to enliven winter days. Plant the bulb into a 13cm (5in) with the top two-thirds of the bulb above the surface of the soil. Water in and place in a well-lit spot in temperature between 15 and 18 degrees. Water sparingly at first, adding more as growth develops. Avoid … Continue reading “Tender Hippeastrum”

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Fruit and Vegetable Storage Problems

Fruit and vegetable storage problems To prevent the spreading of disease, check fruit and vegetable storage areas regularly and dispose of any affected. Most fungi enter in wounds, but some spread by contact; handle produce carefully and keep fruits apart from each other. Brown rot Attacks apples and pears on trees and n storage, spreading … Continue reading “Fruit and Vegetable Storage Problems”