Planted Archway

Wildlife Diary of a Mole

Wildlife Diary of a Mole Moles (Talpa europaea) are common throughout Britain. The molehills and tunnels of which they create can be unpleasant and may disturb plant roots. Moles eat worms and insects and stir clear from plant roots- but they can help expose soils, they are also efficient predators of soil pests. They have … Continue reading “Wildlife Diary of a Mole”

bulb planting

Bulb Planting Techniques

Bulb planting techniques   Blue Iris Landscapes are often asked what are the best and most effective techniques when planting bulbs. This brief article will teach you the tricks of the trade.   How deep do I plant certain bulbs?   Bulbs Muscari Crocus Allium Tulipa Narcissus Fritillaria imperials How deep do I plant? 10cm … Continue reading “Bulb Planting Techniques”

Dock Bugs

 Dock Bugs Dock bugs are most common in southern England and Wales, and many are attracted by wildflowers such as maculosa, docks, and sorrels. In August and September, dock bugs are attracted to raspberry and blackberry fruit. Their feeding can cause come of the fruits to deflate however professionals can ensure that the damage is … Continue reading “Dock Bugs”

winter flowering shrubs

Over Wintering Citrus

Over wintering Citrus   All citrus plants need winter protection, and for high qualities batch a frost-free greenhouse (10-15c/50-59f) or airy conservatory is best, however, a sunny windowsill in an unheated room is also a good idea. Water the citrus plants moderately in winter and allow the surface to dry out between watering. It is … Continue reading “Over Wintering Citrus”

Choosing Winter Bedding

Choosing Winter Bedding  No matter what the landscape or the season, there are always opportunities to create colourful displays that can stand up even in the harshest of weather.   Adding early flowering bulbs such as snowdrops, and crocus can improve the display and layout of even the smallest gardens, especially containers.   Winter-interest pots … Continue reading “Choosing Winter Bedding”


Dividing Grasses

Dividing Grasses The easiest and most effective way to ‘propagate’ grasses is by division. Grasses can be divided in the autumn however most grass species dislike having cut surfaces exposed to winter wet and cold. For this reason, it is usually better to wait until Spring. Climate Grasses ‘Cool-climate’ grasses are best divided just before … Continue reading “Dividing Grasses”

planting image 2

Plant Focus: Poppies

Helpful tips and ideas for new additions to your garden: Poppies are a great addition to any garden, adding colour and interest with their brightly coloured petals. They are usually red in colour, but there are also varieties that are yellow, purple and even bright blue! Propagating Poppies Poppies are versatile and can be divided … Continue reading “Plant Focus: Poppies”


Gardening Jobs to Do in October

Gardening jobs to do in October These are just some of the jobs we will be carrying out as we go around and maintain our customers’ gardens during the month of October: 1. The soil is still warm from the summer so we recommend planting hardy trees and shrubs. By planting in the autumn, the … Continue reading “Gardening Jobs to Do in October”

Garden Maintenance

Expert Advice: Evergreens

  SHARING OUR GARDENING EXPERTISE: Winters are long in the UK, so as flowers are in short supply you need to preserve barks, berries, seedheads and evergreens. Evergreens are the greatest asset to a garden as they give colour, substance, depth and shadow and are a great counterbalance to a world of brown in those … Continue reading “Expert Advice: Evergreens”


Plant Focus: Growing Sunflowers

Plant Focus: Growing Sunflowers Helpful tips and ideas for new additions to your garden: We have found that September and October are the best months to grow your sunflowers. Sunflowers are for all gardeners with their shades of white, yellow, amber, brown, orange and red. When planting sunflowers mix them with perennials rather than shrubs. … Continue reading “Plant Focus: Growing Sunflowers”