Feed and Weed

Root Health

Root Health When the tops of plants wilt or die, there may be problems with the root health and system. Other symptoms such as a thin crown, small, pale leaves or needles, dead branches or twigs, leaves falling earlier than usual, and plants flushing later or weaker than usual may also indicate root problems. A … Continue reading “Root Health”

Gardener Cheshire

Gardening Jobs for January

Gardening Jobs for January Six important seasonal Gardening jobs for January Prune wisterias by reducing last year’s growth to spurs of two or three buds. On winter pansies and violas, remove leaves with downy mildew and black spots. Order vegetable seeds: as new popular cultivars sell out quickly. Cutaway old hellebore foliage to reveal new … Continue reading “Gardening Jobs for January”

Pruning Fruit Trees

How to Winter-Prune Apple and Pear Trees

How to Winter-Prune Apple and Pear Trees Winter can be a good time to prune established bushes, half standard and full standard apple and pear trees. However it is advisable that you avoid pruning in wet conditions or during a heavy sharp frost. It is a good goal to have all pruning finished before the … Continue reading “How to Winter-Prune Apple and Pear Trees”

winter flowering shrubs

Winter Flowering Shrubs

Winter Flowering Shrubs Recommended by Blue Iris Landscapes The winter garden can be surprisingly colourful, here is a list of our favourite winter flowering shrubs: These evergreen climbers are not only attractive but also show their high ability in producing an abundance of flowers throughout the winter. They also add a profusion of colour to … Continue reading “Winter Flowering Shrubs”

Blue Iris Landscapes Logo

A Balanced Diet for a Healthy Soil

A Balanced Diet For a Healthy Soil Most soil samples tested are rich in the nutrients tested for; Phosphorus, Potassium, and magnesium. This is a good sign of healthy soil. The exception, however, is sandy soil. This is because potassium and magnesium tend to be washed out. Phosphorus tends to build up in soil over … Continue reading “A Balanced Diet for a Healthy Soil”


Wildlife Policy – Robin

Wildlife Diary of a Robin Here at Blue Iris Landscapes we are very conscious and make sure we are correctly informed and aware of the natural habitat in which we work. As the environment is a major factor within our work, we strive to do as much as possible to protect the wildlife of which … Continue reading “Wildlife Policy – Robin”

Top Gardening Jobs for January

Top Jobs this month Prune birches and maples, to avoid problems with bleeding as the sap starts to rise very early in these trees. Check stored fruit and vegetables, plus corms and tubers from ornamentals, such as gladioli and dahlias. Dispose of any that are showing signs of pests or diseases and try to improve … Continue reading “Top Gardening Jobs for January”

winter lawn

Top Five Winter Food for Birds

The Top Five Winter Food for Birds Providing winter food for birds is important as it will all help keep them going through the hard winter. These are our top five recommendations of winter food for birds: Fat Fatballs and bird cakes can be great winter foods. You can make your own by melting suet, … Continue reading “Top Five Winter Food for Birds”

Growing Salad and Rhubarb

Baby Salad Leaves If you have any tiny beetroot, too small to eat when you lift them, tidy them up by cutting off the tops Leaving about ½ inch on the root. Then plant them in pots and put in the windowsill, or anywhere light and warm, and water often. They will begin to sprout … Continue reading “Growing Salad and Rhubarb”

tree surgery image 2

Small Trees with Autumn appeal with Blue Iris Landscapes

Small Trees with Autumn appeal with Blue Iris Landscapes As autumn gets underway, the changing colours in many leaves can leave your garden with character and quality. Here are just three small trees that are favoured by many including Blue Iris Landscapes Cercis Canadensis ‘Forest Pansy’ An eastern redbud with dark, rich purple, heart-shaped leaves. … Continue reading “Small Trees with Autumn appeal with Blue Iris Landscapes”