Gardener Cheshire

Gardening Jobs for September

Gardening Jobs for September These are just some of the jobs we will be carrying out as we go around and maintain our customers’ gardens during the month of September: Divide herbaceous perennials including Astrantia, Pulmonaria, and Ophiopogon. Pick autumn fruiting raspberries regularly to keep them cropping. Pruning Tips: Wait until mid to late winter … Continue reading “Gardening Jobs for September”

Expert Advice: Plants for Your Garden this Autumn

Expert Advice: Plants for Your Garden this Autumn SHARING OUR GARDENING EXPERTISE: When gardening this late summer why not plant some of the autumn flowering bulbs & corms which can inject a spring-like quality into tired beds and borders in your garden? Acis Autumnalis This charming and variable snowflake-like flower grows in rocky places or … Continue reading “Expert Advice: Plants for Your Garden this Autumn”

Plant Focus: Growing Violet Purple Daisies

Plant Focus: Growing Violet Purple Daisies Helpful tips and ideas for new additions to your garden: Violet purple daisies are usually associated with autumn, however, Erigeron ‘Dunkelste Aller’ can flower as early as May and can go on for six weeks given a warm, sunny position in the garden. Erigerons were highly popular years ago … Continue reading “Plant Focus: Growing Violet Purple Daisies”

Pests and Diseases

Pests and Diseases that can Affect your Garden

Pests and Diseases that can Affect your Garden Pests: Lily Beetles: These pests attack lilies. They are bright red in colour and are approximately 8mm long. Their orange-brown excrement coated larvae devour both foliage and flowers. Lily beetles and their larvae can be removed from your plants by hand. Gladioulus Thrips: These are insects that attack Gladioli … Continue reading “Pests and Diseases that can Affect your Garden”

Gardening in January

Plant Focus: Growing Phlomis – ‘Edward Bowles’

Plant Focus: Growing Phlomis Helpful tips and ideas for new additions to your garden: Phlomis have been proven to be a delight in summer gardens, with the strong, square stems topped with a two-tone cream and pale yellow flowers adding structure and form. There are about 100 species of Phlomis. Shrubbier forms are found in … Continue reading “Plant Focus: Growing Phlomis – ‘Edward Bowles’”

Gardening in August

Gardening Jobs for August

Gardening Jobs To Do In August  These are just some of the jobs we will be carrying out as we go around and maintain our customers’ gardens during the month of August: Harvest garlic, onions, and shallots once the stems are brown and dry. Summer-prune established wisteria – it encourages the development of short-flowering spurs … Continue reading “Gardening Jobs for August”


Developing and Planting a New Border

Developing and Planting a New Border This article lists our top 8 key steps for developing and planting a new border in your garden, however if you have any futher queries, contact one of our frinedly team members for further guidance: 1. Marking Out Identify the location and size of the border that will best … Continue reading “Developing and Planting a New Border”

growing fruit

Plant Focus: Growing Fruit

Helpful tips and ideas for new additions to your garden: Growing fruit involves some initial ground preparation but once established they require only a little maintenance such as pruning and feeding. Apples These are the easiest fruit to grow with a harvest season ranging from August through to the late season in December. Strawberries These … Continue reading “Plant Focus: Growing Fruit”


Plant Focus: Red Hot Pokers

Plant Focus: Red Hot Pokers Helpful tips and ideas for new additions to your garden: Kniphofias or Red Hot Pokers are a striking and unusual flower that you shouldn’t be put off from planting at this time of year. They are native to South Africa and range in colour from ivory and orange right through … Continue reading “Plant Focus: Red Hot Pokers”

Gardening in July

 Gardening in July: We have created a list of recommendations for gardening in July. Below are our top tips for July gardening, that will keep your garden looking pristine throughout the English summer. Keep plants fed, watered and dead-headed (especially roses). This helps to prolong their flowering.  Ensure fruit trees aren’t overcrowded so that you … Continue reading “Gardening in July”