Gardening Jobs To Do In August

 These are just some of the jobs we will be carrying out as we go around and maintain our customers’ gardens during the month of August:

  1. Harvest garlic, onions, and shallots once the stems are brown and dry.
  2. Summer-prune established wisteria – it encourages the development of short-flowering spurs that will carry the long racemes of bloom in spring. Cut new shoots back to five buds and tie in where necessary. Use secateurs to cut back all the long shoots that have been produced during late spring/early summer – make the cut just beyond the second or third bud from the base.
  3. Keep potted camellias well watered – this helps them form healthy buds for flowering next year. Care must be given when watering camellias in heavy, slow-draining soils to ensure that the roots are not kept too wet – they like moist, but not soggy conditions. After being established (usually for one winter and one growing season) camellias will thrive on little supplemental watering. If your water is high in salts, give plants a deep soaking at least twice in the summer to leach accumulated salts below the root zone.
  4. Plant hyacinths, paper-white narcissi, and freesia now for flowering at Christmas time.
  5. Cut spring-flowering meadows and leave the hay to dry and release seed.
    Prune rambler roses, cutting out a third of flowered stems at their base. You should also completely discard some of the older shoots by cutting out at or near ground level. This will encourage new shoots to grow from the base, which in turn will provide the flowering growths for subsequent years.


For more information on what vegetables to plant in August, click here.

If you require a price for Garden Maintenance then please get in touch. A member of our experienced gardener teams can quickly tidy up your garden. Please contact us on one of the following:-

Free Phone:  0800 0937926

Head Office:  01782 39616
