The Wildlife Diary of Moles 

Moles (Talpa europaea) are common throughout Britain. The molehills and tunnels of which they create can be unpleasant and may disturb plant roots. Moles eat worms and insects and stir clear from plant roots- but they can help expose soils, they are also efficient predators of soil pests. They have peaks of tunnelling activity in spring and autumn.

 A Moles Appearance

They are 11-16cm long with a short tail, and covered in a dense black fur, except their snout and paws. Although their eyes are almost hidden by fur, they are not blind. The snout has long, sensitive bristles used to locate food by touch inside the moles’ tunnels. Their shovel-like paws are used to dig the tunnel system in which the animal uses as its habitat, and push excavated soil back to the surface where it accumulates as molehills.

A Moles Lifecycle

Outside the breeding season, they live introverted lives, each having their own territory tunnels. For instance, the molehills you may find in your garden are more than likely the work of a single mole. They also tour their tunnels for anything they can feed on, such as earthworms and insect larvae.

Did you know?

  • Moles occasionally have white, grey or piebald fur.
  • An adult mole, weighing 80g eats 50g of earthworms each day.
  • Moles can swim well, using their front paws as paddles.


Blue Iris Landscapes Wild News

  • Delay cutting back hedgerows and the removal of seed heads until late winter, in order that birds and other wildlife can feed on the berries.
  • November is a good time to start putting out food for birds regularly.
Moles are very common in Britain but one of the animals rarely seen by humans. We hope that you have enjoyed this little article which has given you a little insight into the life of a Mole. Here at Blue Iris, we have a Green Policy so that we use environmentally-friendly equipment to try and work along with the wildlife, the best we can, in your gardens. If would like more information about our Green Policy then please contact us.