Additional Winter Garden Services

The dark evenings and dark mornings have been creeping in on us quite quickly this autumn, and we are running out of daylight, fast. Even so, your garden still needs tending to, and there are several jobs that you can carry out so that you are ready for the spring. Here are some tasks that you can do this month to ensure that your garden will flourish when spring rolls around again.

It is also time to start preparing your soil properly. Begin by digging in some compost, manure, and as much organic matter as you can so that the soil can absorb all the nutrients ready to help your plants thrive in the spring. It’s a good idea to start as early as you can in your preparation for next year – especially if your soil is heavy clay.

You should also be thinking about protecting your garden for the winter. It certainly depends on how exposed your garden is, however, it’s a good idea to move your tender plants into a greenhouse or put other measures in place to protect any vulnerable plants from extreme weather conditions.

In addition, you may want to scarify and aerate your lawn in order to prevent problems like moss and water logging. It’s important that you remove the grass clippings, roots and other organic matter which have collected over the months forming thatch in your lawn. Applying an autumn fertiliser now will help to strengthen your lawn against the cool weather.

Just by completing these simple tasks, it will make spring gardening much easier and make your garden look good now!